New Torts Case re protecting students from sexual assault, November 2021

Below is a free sample of a new case summary from the newly published issue of my publication California Case Summaries Monthly, with summaries of the 32 new California civil and family law cases published in November of 2021.

California Courts of Appeal


Doe v. Lawndale Elementary School Dist. (2021) _ Cal.App.5th _ , 2021 WL 5578329: The Court of Appeal reversed in part, and affirmed in part, the trial court’s order granting defendants’ motion for summary judgment in an action for sexual assault of a minor student by a music teacher. The Court of Appeal concluded that school administrators have a duty to protect students from sexual abuse by school employees, even if the school does not have actual knowledge of a particular employee’s history of committing, or propensity to commit, such abuse. Therefore, it reversed the trial court’s order granting summary adjudication on plaintiff’s negligence causes of action....

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